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- Anthea Lawson
To Heal a Heart Page 16
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Page 16
He lay back, taking her with him until she lay covering him, legs still wide over his. His mouth returned to hers, urgent kisses in the darkness. Her mouth, the secret place between her legs, all the places where they touched—she was burning.
Deep within her something recognized this, the twining of two lovers in the darkness. It was ancient, it was entirely new. It consumed her—her body the fuel, the heart of the flame, each caress flaring along her skin.
He turned, pulling her beneath him as their positions reversed. Now he was above her in the sightless air, his hands memorizing her skin, stroking her shoulders, her breasts, her belly. Lower, his palms over her thighs, then moving firmly, inexorably to the center of her. Her heartbeat drowned out the sound of her breathing as she waited, waited to feel him touch her. There, where it seemed a secret star had come to blaze, hidden in her body, burning with a fierce, invisible light.
Then he did, parted her legs, his hands sweeping up and against her, his caress unerring. Right to the center of her. His fingers slid up and down, coaxing long, yearning breaths from her. She had not known how lovely it would feel.
But it was only a prelude. He slipped one finger inside her, still stroking, and a jolt of pure fire flared through her. It was too intimate, too searing a touch, but the darkness forgave everything. A second finger joined the first, and a moan caught in her throat.
This must be how a perfect instrument felt in the hands of a master. Before that touch, dormant, but when played, when put to the use it was made for…ah. She rose to the pleasure, she vibrated with the intensity of his knowing strokes. She sang, her body resonating with inaudible music.
He bent over her, his breath mingling with hers. “My beauty,” he said, his voice brushing through her.
“Yes,” she whispered. Yes and yes.
He pulled back, his glorious touch leaving her, but before she could protest, he was over her again. Now instead of his hands she felt the hard heat of his maleness there, between her legs. In another circumstance she might have been afraid, but there was no room for it here in this hidden cave beneath the earth, with the knowledge of their own mortality so close. This was right, this was inevitable.
It seemed her body knew how to welcome him, for without thinking she spread her legs wider, tilted her hips up to meet him. He pressed against her slick entrance and she felt herself take him in. Slowly, slowly her body stretching until she felt surely she could take no more of him. He was too large, too suddenly overwhelming.
“Shh.” His voice stirred her hair.
One hand slid down and began playing against her, light, teasing touches, assuaging, coaxing her pleasure to rise again. Her body, so obedient to his touch. Heat uncoiling again. She let it sweep over her and felt him shift, slide farther in, then stop, letting her become accustomed to him.
He was in her, and over her, laying kisses across her forehead. She could feel the taut stillness, the effort in his shoulders and back, the tight muscles of his buttocks as he held himself quiescent. It was a quiet that held all the promise of a primal storm, the very nature of his stillness a promise of something she could not even name. She only knew it would shake her to the core.
Then he gradually began to move, stroking back and forth as his fingers had stroked, but this was so much more. This was the heart of it, the joining of male and female. His movements beginning to coax the fire forward again, the sensation so different from anything she had ever experienced, but somehow familiar, known in some deep, mystic part of her.
Alex held himself over her, held himself to a slowness that would have been excruciating, but for the dark. But for the mystery of her body, slowly giving its secrets up to him. He felt reverent as he moved in her, easing her tightness, feeling her soften under him. Not all the way in, not yet. He was waiting for her breathy sighs, waiting for the pleasure to outweigh the pain of it before he made that final, deep thrust.
God, but she was beautiful, far beyond any evidence of sight; he did not need his eyes to know it was true. Beautiful, and strong, and brave. The sight of her stripping off her clothes had stolen his breath, the way she had gone fearlessly into the dark water.
And now here, with him. He could no more have kept himself from her than he could have stopped breathing. It was that essential. Though he might have denied it in the bright day, in the air and lavish sunlight, everything had changed now. There was no more denying it. His soul had cracked open and all he could do was take her in his arms and love her.
A fierce joy crossed his face, unseen. She had relaxed beneath him, her hands caressing his shoulders, her hips tilting up to meet the slow slide of his cock. It was time. He drew back farther, lengthening each stroke, felt her fingers tighten as he surged forward. She let out a cry that echoed for a moment over the still water.
Seated deep within her, he stopped and gathered her close. He murmured into her hair, while his body shuddered from the force of his wanting.
“Is it well?” he whispered.
“I…yes.” Her voice was unsure, and so he kept holding her, his hand moving over her arm, tracing delicate patterns on her skin.
He breathed in the scent of her, so familiar but spiced now with something more intimate, the musk of their bodies together, the heady mix of arousal and need.
At last she let out a slow breath, and he felt her lips along his collarbone, sweet, seeking kisses. He dipped his head and took her mouth with his, letting his tongue move against her the way his cock yearned to do. Soon. Soon now.
A little moan escaped her throat, and he began. She was tight and slick around him as he slid out, in, each stroke sending an exquisite shiver through his nerves. He did not know how long it had been—years, centuries, eternities—but it did not matter now. Time had no meaning here. Only movement, and taste, and touch. Only the pleasure of her body, so soft against his.
She lifted her legs, wrapped them about his hips. His pulse thudded, he tasted her name on his lips. Caroline. Oh God, Caroline.
“Alex,” she whispered, as if she had heard him, her voice throaty and low.
The pleasure was rising so quickly he could barely contain it. The piercing sweetness of her, the sound of her breathing quickening in time to his strokes as she held tight to him. Faster, deeper. He groaned, wanting to take her with him, not sure he could hold on long enough.
“Ah,” she gasped, something revelatory in her tone. Again. She was moving under him with such urgency that he could not slow, could not deny either of them that headlong rush to completion.
It started low, a smoldering that burst almost immediately into wildfire, sweeping through him, burning over his skin, consuming him in glory, glory, glory.
A shout, their voices combined, reverberating through the cavern, rebounding from stone and water as their bodies twined and strove and, at last, melded into that single, perfect moment. The point where mortal met the divine.
The dark enfolded them, brought them home, at last, to their bodies. Breath, blood, bone. Cool air against the skin, a reminder of their own separateness. Alex levered himself up, fingers finding her face and tracing, as if by feel alone he could discern her thoughts.
Her lips curved, her cheek rounded under his questioning touch, and it was enough. No tears dampened her skin, no frown or sorrow manifest. All was well.
More than well. Something deep within him had eased. He slowly withdrew, rolled off her, and pulled their clothing close, making a burrow for the two of them. With a sigh she moved into his embrace and laid her head on his chest.
No words. Only touch. He held her close and heard her breathing deepen into the edges of sleep. But he could not sleep, not yet. He stared up, imagining the curving stone above them, the earth surrounding them. It was utterly quiet, but for the two of them. He could feel their heartbeats, resonating together in the dark.
Caroline woke slowly, aware of strong, warm arms around her, the steady rise and fall of Alex’s chest at her back.
She did not know when she had ever felt so secure, so known and cherished.
Last night had been a revelation. The awakening of her body to such pleasure, the primal knowledge of what it meant to be a woman, joining in that ancient dance with a man. She was changed now, transmuted. She opened her eyes.
Shock held her unbreathing, motionless—and then her heart began to race as she understood, the dizzy blood pushing through her.
“Alex!” She sat bolt upright and set a hand to his shoulder. “Wake up—look!”
“What?” His voice was heavy with sleep, and then it seemed her words penetrated. His eyelids flew open and he sat in one smooth motion. “By God.”
Water-dappled light striated the rock above them, and she blinked as she gazed over the pool. A single shaft of sunlight descended, paring the blackness and throwing radiance into the water. Light.
She laughed aloud and flung her arms around him. “There’s a way out. We are saved!”
A quick tightening of his arms and then he sobered. “It could be very high up—we may not be able to reach the opening.” He rose, gathered his clothes, and dressed with quick efficiency.
She followed more reluctantly, the feeling of her garments closing around her somehow odd and uncomfortable. The act of buttoning her blouse made her more self-conscious than she had felt even lying naked beneath him, taking him into her. The memory warmed her cheeks. She let out a silent sigh and joined Alex at the water’s edge.
“Drink before I wade out.” He knelt, taking his own advice.
She cupped her hand and scooped water up to her mouth. Cold, flavored with minerals, but welcome. She had not realized how thirsty she was until the moment when liquid filled her mouth. Another handful, another, until at last she sat back on her heels, satisfied. Now hunger woke, but she pressed her lips together. They had nothing to eat. And at any rate they would soon be free. She held tight to the thought.
Alex was prowling the shore, casting glances at the light, then up at the cave ceiling. A delicate fringe of stalactites gleamed, pale white, against the far wall, their reflection a muted lace in the still water.
“Over here.” He splashed to the corner and stood, hands on his hips. Light filtered over his upturned face—nothing as strong as full daylight, but strong enough for hope to infuse itself more deeply into her heart.
“Can you see the opening?” Bunching her skirts, she joined him.
“There’s a ledge here, and it’s definitely lighter up above.” He leaped, reaching for the lip of stone, but it was too far and he fell back with a splash.
“Boost me up,” she said. “I’ll tell you what I see.”
He tilted his head, eyes nearly black in the dimness, then nodded. “Grab hold of my shoulders and I’ll lift you.” He laced his fingers, making a cradle with his hands. “Put your foot there. And up!”
She steadied herself, bracing her hands on his shoulders and hoisting herself a few more inches.
“There’s a shelf of rock here, and I think…” If he moved over another few feet, she might be able to reach a handhold, maybe even climb and wriggle her way farther back, to where she thought she had glimpsed a slash of whiteness that must surely, surely open to the sky. “We need to go more to the left.”
He released her foot and wrapped his arms around her, letting her slide the length of his body. She pressed against him and, overcome by impulse, by his nearness, took his head in her hands and pulled his mouth down to meet hers. Instant heat blossomed between them and he let out a soft groan before opening his lips and returning her kiss.
Dear heavens. Would she never be done with wanting him? Although her body ached in unaccustomed places, she would lie down with him again in a heartbeat and give herself over to that passion, the unbearable blazing sweetness of their two bodies together. She leaned into the kiss, relearning the taste of him, and felt his hands tighten, pull her even closer.
At last they drew apart. She felt as though she had just dashed through Hyde Park, her heart was beating so quickly.
“Caroline.” His indigo eyes were serious. “No matter what happens—whether we escape, or not—know that last night was…” He halted, as if searching for the right word.
Everything? Her heart was too full, and she could not describe it either. Perhaps there was no way out, no future beyond this cave, this cool air and still water. But the two flames of their bodies would burn long against the night.
“Shall we try again?” she said at length, when the stillness between them had lengthened beyond redeeming. “I think if we come this way I can reach.”
She tugged him three steps over, then turned and set her hands to his shoulders. Once again he cradled her foot and hoisted her up, and this time she was close enough to the ledge to reach it.
“I’m going to try to go up.” She drew in a quick breath, then let go of his comforting solidity and grabbed for the hard stone.
One scrabbled handhold, then another. Rock scraped her arms as she pulled herself up. Below, she felt Alex wrap his arms around her legs and lift. It was just enough. She levered herself onto the rock shelf, braced both hands flat, and slid forward, legs slipping free of his grasp.
“Caroline! Are you all right?”
“Yes. Let me get my bearings.”
She studied the ledge, a rough passage of stone and earth sloping upward. The tunnel narrowed, and at the top…surely that must be sky she glimpsed. Not far until freedom. Freedom. She had to see, had to reach that light.
“Caro!” His voice was urgent.
She turned, hampered by her skirts, and leaned over the lip of stone. His expression eased when he saw her.
“Well?” he asked.
“I think…it looks promising.” She bit her lip. “If you can make it up here.”
“Oh, I can. Wait for me.”
He splashed across the pool to a tumble of large rocks. It was the work of a few minutes, with a great deal more splashing and some muttered curses, but he managed to pile up smallish boulders under the point the ledge began. He looked up at her.
“Can you wedge yourself in up there, and reach me your hand?”
She wriggled, bracing her feet across. “Yes.” Leaning out as far as she dared, she stretched her hand out.
“Coming up now.” He balanced on the top of the stone. “All right, hold steady.”
He jumped, fingers brushing past hers, and she let out a little cry as he fell back, slipped down into the water.
“Again,” he said.
It took three more tries before, their hands clasped tightly, Alex was able to gain a foothold and swing himself onto the ledge. The force of his final leap laid him half across her. She wrapped her arms about him and took a long, ragged breath.
“We made it. Oh, Alex.”
He brushed a kiss over her forehead, then sat up. “Let us hope so, love.”
The endearment slipped unguarded off his tongue. Had he even realized what he had said? Caroline smiled at him, unable to deny the warmth rushing through her.
The stone ceiling lowered as they crawled forward, and she bit back a yelp as her hand dislodged a stone. It tumbled and fell with a splash into the pool below. She braced her feet and kept going. This was the way out. Please. It had to be.
The tunnel narrowed further. He gestured for her to stay back as he went on his belly and began to wriggle forward, blocking the light. She pressed her lips together and watched, hands clenched. What if it was solid stone ahead with no space for a living body to pass through? She could not bear to think it.
“Come.” His voice was muffled.
She lay down and slithered after him, heedless of the roots tangling in her hair, the rough stone grasping at her skirts. Her lungs clenched, but that was foolish. There was plenty of air to breathe, despite the close earth around them. She forced herself to believe it and dragged in a lungful, exhaled.
Dirt lodged beneath her nails as she scrabbled after Alex. He lay on his side and beckoned for her to come up n
ext to him, reaching a hand to her as she wormed her way forward.
“Is this the end?”
“No.” His teeth gleamed in the dimness as he smiled. “I think it’s the beginning. Look there.” He pointed up.
She turned her head, then nearly wept in relief. A fissure and through it—sky. Bright, fierce blue.
“Can we break through?”
“Yes.” His voice was sure. “Ready? Cover your face.”
She did, with one arm. The other hand scrabbled alongside his, pulling down gouts of earth, stones, reaching until the crack widened enough for two hands. Alex gave a shout and covered her with his body as a tumble of rocks and dirt suddenly rained down upon them.
And then it was quiet, and still. She lifted her head, tasting the grit of soil on her lips, and met his eyes. Joy flickered there, and light streamed down over his shoulders.
“Ladies first,” he said, laughter in his voice. He set his hands at her waist and eased her past him, up into the breach they had made.
She hardly dared to breathe as her head poked through the crust of earth and ragged grasses. Dear heavens, it was so bright she could barely see. Blinking, she thrust her arms up and through, dislodging more dirt, and levered herself out. Out! She drew her legs up, free of the maw of the earth, and collapsed in a grateful heap. Out, onto the solid ground of a rocky hillside.
“Yes!” Alex clambered out beside her and stretched his arms to the sun. “We are out, Caroline.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Look. Breathe.”
She did—senses stunned by the warm wind swirling around them, the impossible sun overhead. Miles below lay the sea, a lacy blue skirt surrounding the island. It felt as though the whole world was laid out before them, enormous and ineffably wonderful.
She scrubbed her sleeve across her eyes, blinking away tears, then started to laugh as he caught her in his arms, scattering kisses over her hair and face.
“We did it! Oh, Alex.” She returned his embrace, throat tight with joy. “I tried so hard not to lose hope….”